Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is it really Fall

I guess we take things for granted so easily. I heard someone say just the other day (after a couple of days of 60 degree weather) I am so glad we are finally getting some good weather. Now I guess I think we have had a lot of HOT weather this year. I don't mind a few days of HOT but when we have had more 90 degree days than we have had in a very long time.

Well, that is that. We are into Fall??? We are getting really spoiled with the no rain. We did have a little shower a few weeks ago and in some places we had about two to three inches of water standing. Soccer for the girls so far has been good. I know there are days on the way that will be WET and COLD.

Lots of changes at work so there are some longer days and I think my shoulders are getting more knotted up that usual. I will be happy when we settle down and get into our new rut. We are so predicibale and that is OK.

Not much happening just getting ready to pack and that will be fun. Party tomorrow more money to spend or at least look at the new product. I don't do much baking so I don't know if I will have too much use for much of it. But it will be a free dinner and I don't have to cook or clean up. I like that.

Think I need to check on my tomatoes before that fall weather sets in and we don't have anymore. I sure do like the fresh ones been putting them in my salad every day. We got some small ones not really cherry but bigger but not as big as regular ones so they are just right.

Hope you have a great week and I will check in again and see how life is treating us. Our life just keeps on keepin on. Not too exciting just keepin on.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Agree with Marney

I too am not too keen on the whole anniversary thing for 9/11. I guess it is something everyone has to deal with the way they have to. I just know it isn't something we should really celebrate.

I think we should have something positive to look forward to. That might just be too much to ask for as we seem to celebrate all things that are dark and take our breath away. So why should this be any different.

I thought it would be easier yesterday too but it wasn't and all I heard all day long was what I didn't want to hear.

I think you had the right idea Marney just keep to yourself and I hope you made it through and got all the stuff off your chest or at least got all the tears out.

Let's look forward to more light and happy things.

Just the fax

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day

This labor day weekend was a very warm one and we didn't go anywhere and didn't even have a Bar-B-Q or anything. What is happening to us? Are we just going about our own business and doing what we do.

Well, Bob and I did what we do best when we are together.....we SPENT money. Bob came home on Monday after a great round of golf and was so excited about a golf club. I haven't seen him that excited about golf in a very long time. So after he talked about THAT club we looked up on the net to see where the store was and we called. Sure enough it was there so we went of on our adventure and did turn out that way.

He thought there was a store in one area and it turned out not to be there and we had to go to the original place we checked on.

It turned out great he got to hit several clubs and then settled on the one he went there to get and he was very happy. Now I think he will be trying to get in some practice in the next few days until he can play again next weekend.

We did do other shopping but his was the most fun because he was so excited and when the sales person asked him what he thought????? Well, if any of you know my BOB. He would have talked himself out of the club and then kicked himself for not getting it. That is when I stepped in and told him to get it now.

And that is the rest of the story.

Hope yours was as good as that.